Asociación Argentina de Productores en Siembra Directa
Aapresid is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. Made up of a network of agricultural producers who, based on interest in soil conservation, adopted and promoted the dissemination of a new agricultural paradigm, based on Direct Sowing.
At Syloper we have accompanied them on several projects. On this occasion we created Aapresid Eventos together, a platform so that the organization can broadcast live its congresses, technical sessions, conferences, dissertations, talks and workshops.
Aapresid events
It is a streaming platform that we develop tailored to our client. It allows you to bring meetings, seminars, conferences and all types of events to the user’s screen. They can be live or recorded, open to anyone who wants to participate, or with a guest list.
The environment created enables interaction and exchange between participants and speakers, and provides access to all the material once the event is over.
This tool offers the client the following functionalities:
- Agenda: in this space you can consult the type of event, the title and the date and time of the event.
- Information: in this section you can include all the information related to the event that is of interest to users, in addition to a brief presentation of the speakers.
- Past events: it is the place where you can access all the material from the activities that have already been carried out.
- Sponsors: this section presents the sponsors that make your event possible, with their respective logos and links to websites.
- Search: tool that allows the user to search for the event that interests them. It has a filter by type of event (technical conference, dissertation, congress, conference, talk, workshop).
There are many benefits of having your own platform of this type.
The most notable:
- Security: your events are private and secure.
- Online: Participants can access all events without having to download any application.
- Access to post-streaming material: all material is saved and users can access it whenever they need it.
- Interaction: the public can ask, give their opinion, interact if they wish.
- Multi-device: participants can access from their cell phone, tablet, computer or any device.
- No limits on viewers: all users who wish to do so can access it.
At Syloper we are happy to have accompanied Aapresid in this new project.
A client with whom we have managed to form a great work team, in which we all participate in pursuit of achieving common objectives and increasing the effectiveness of the results.
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